Our goal is to make your visit as pleasant and comfortable as possible

One of the best ways to prepare for surgery is to make sure you understand the decisions being made about your care. Please read the information on the following pages prior to your arrival at our center.

Day Of


If you normally take blood pressure, heart or seizure medication, take it with a sip of water on the day of your surgery as directed by your physician. It would be extremely helpful and expedite your admission process if you fax a list of your medications and dosages to our confidential pre-operative line at 650-988-7829. If your physician provided you with a pre-op health history form, you should fax that to our pre-operative line as well. If you cannot fax, please bring a list of your medications with dosages, including herbs, vitamins or diet supplements, with you to the center. If you are a diabetic or take blood thinners, contact your doctor for specific instructions. If you use an inhaler or migraine medication, please bring them with you to the Surgery Center.


Wear simple, loose clothing to ensure your comfort. Leave all valuables and jewelry at home (with the exception of your photo ID and a form of payment for the procedure), as we cannot secure these items for you. Please refrain from using lotion, oils or perfumes after bathing, and remove nail polish if you are having hand or foot surgery. If necessary, please bring hearing aids, glasses and case, containers for contact lenses and denture cases with you.

Pediatric Patients

A parent or legal guardian must remain at the Surgery Center at all times when a child under the age of 18 is having a procedure. You may be with the child before and after the procedure. Two adults should accompany the child home — one to drive and one to take care of the child.